How to Minimize Damage from Drinking Soda and Energy Drinks
Posted on 12/23/2021 by Summit Dental Group
The beverages soda and energy drinks have sugar that is not good for the teeth. Sugar does not harm the teeth, but it does cause tooth decay when it is mixed with bacteria. Bacteria that feed on sugar produce acids that eat away at the enamel of the teeth. Cavities that go untreated are painful and might lead to tooth loss. When you come to see us, our dentists will help you figure out the best method to deal with sugars and how to keep your mouth healthy.
Brushing and Flossing
We all have been guilty of not brushing or flossing our teeth at one time or another. We must floss regularly and wash our teeth twice a day in order to preserve good dental health. Plaque and tartar destroy our teeth because they collect in between the teeth and mingle with germs, causing damage to the teeth and perhaps leading to tooth decay if not eliminated. Flossing is crucial because it removes tartar and plaque from between your teeth.
Acids in soda energy drinks
Soft beverages, such as sodas, contain a large amount of sugar, which causes teeth to rot. The sugars get trapped between the teeth, causing dental cavities and tooth decay. The acidity of the sports drinks damages the enamel. Enamel deteriorates and becomes vulnerable, exposing the pulp and causing discomfort and sensitivity.
When the enamel on your teeth wears away, you may suffer pain and sensitivity when drinking hot or cold beverages, as well as sweet beverages. You may also notice that your fillings are changing and that your teeth are discoloring and forming a yellowish material. Make an appointment with our dentist to learn more about the foods and beverages that cause food erosion, how to deal with it and what to alternatively consume.